Archive for the ‘MasterCard’ Category

Free eBook: Road Map To Good Credit

September 23, 2008

Special Finance Managers across the country need to point all their bad credit customers to the free ebook, “Road Map To Good Credit” by Augustin Gohil. A wealth of free information is provided on how to obtain and maintain a good credit score. This impressive collection of step-by-step instructions is assembled to be followed by the average person that desires to improve their credit score. If dealers across the country put this free resource into the hands of consumers in their market areas, then in a relatively short amount of time the overall credit health of their market will increase – resulting in more auto sales. Check it out today!


August 4, 2008

With Factory leasing no longer being an option for many dealers, a peek into the old marketing trick bag could be well worth the time. Our turnkey direct mail programs are virtually plug-n-play. If you’re ready for a big pay day, then browse our featured programs below. Every one of these programs will be available in August, 2008.

 1. Severe Traffic Builders (for emergency situations)

  • Giant Key Mailers – 17X22 full color w/$50k in prizes (recent events include 54 units sold off 30k pieces). Prices starting at only $0.79 (30kp).
  • Gigantic 9X12 Jumbo Postcard w/high quality key affixed. Full color double-sided key mailer on card stock w/multiple prizes. Prices starting at $0.69 (50kp).
  • Giant 11X17 Tri-Fold Saturation Key Mailer. Double-Sided full color on 80lb. gloss w/high-quality key taped to inside panel. Multiple prizes to drive traffic. Prices start at $0.69 (50kp).
  • All Key mailers are fully insured for prizes: 1) $25,000 in cash, 2) Vehicle giveaway ($20k), 3) 42″ Plasma TV, 4) 4-Wheeler ATV, 5) $100 in cash. For additional saturation traffic builders, call or email us for samples and prices.

2. Title List Mailers (for targeted trade-ins for pre-owned inventory)

  • Mail the piece of your choice to our title list that catalogues current owner with the current vehicle at the current address. With variable data printing, mailers can reference the owner’s name as well as vehicle. This is an insider’s secret that every successful dealer is using below the radar. Great for toggling between dealer database and title list. Best for buyback and conquest. Highly effective, no nonsense mailing list.

3. Pre-Screened Credit Offers (for high-gross sales)

  • US Capital MasterCard Credit Sale. This piece is a pre-screened credit offer backed by a real auto lender (you can switch financing) that has an actual US Capital MasterCard affixed to the piece. This extremely official looking piece generates a large volume of credit applications by pre-screened Beacon-filtered customers interested in obtaining an immediate auto loan. All events are exclusive and customer must physically appear at dealer location to take delivery. Prices start at $1.39 (10kp) and $1.59 (5kp). Larger volume discounts are available. Price includes first class postage, credit data from TU/XPN/EFX, toll free # with IVR/CRM and 24/7 call center and appointment setting.
  • Live Check Mailers – Send pre-screened credit offers to qualified prospects in your market area. Piece includes a funding check already made payable to your dealer. All customer has to do is register online or call IVR to secure funding code. Then they walk live check into your dealership and you match their credit approval with a vehicle from your inventory. Strong advances such as 120% of MSRP or retail blue book makes it easy to roll no money down deals, or absorb negative trade equity. Prices as low as $1.29 (10kp) and $1.57 (5kp). Great grosses are continually reported.
  • Credit Mailers are best for dealers with strong finance departments. The above programs allow dealer to use any lender they choose. No demand for first right of refusal are ever made. Dealers have total freedom and are never restricted or boxed in.

4. Ongoing Lead Programs (for Spec-Fi depts.)

  • Current top-rated lead program is our BKLeadXpress, a daily BK trigger program that sends US Capital MasterCard mailers to every discharged BK the same day it is discharged. This program focuses on the customer’s need to establish positive post-bankruptcy credit to enhance their future credit rating. Using your auto loan as the catalyst, this program makes a strong run at every discharged bankruptcy in your market area and gives them strong reasons why they should buy a vehicle from you right now instead of waiting for their credit to get better first. Program requires dealers that have lenders to finance fresh discharged BK’s with as little as $2,000 down payment with strong employment history.  
  • Facts: 37% of consumers purchase a vehicle within the first 30 days of their discharge. 70% of consumers will purchase a vehicle within 90 days of their discharged bankruptcy. These “ready-to-buy” prospects are the hottest commodity in the Special Finance world, and they’re available immediately upon set-up.  
  • Depending on size of dealership and aptitude of Special Finance manager, one time investment is approximately $2500 to $3500 for 6 to 8 months worth of leads. Manifest with phone numbers are sent daily to dealer for immediate phone follow up prior to mailer’s in home date. Ample opportunities await the sales and finance professional with auto lenders to buy this paper.

 5. Internet Lead Services and Online Applications (disc.)

  • Due to the highly frivolous, unscrupulous, and fraudulent nature of many lead providers and their leads, we have indefinitely discontinued offering internet leads to our clients. Our reputation is too valuable to blow for a quick buck, and so we give internet leads away for free to dealers that we do business with. Whether it be 12 leads or 496 leads, we do not charge for them nor do we stand behind them as authentic or exclusive. We apologize if this hurts anyone’s feelings, but our long-term outlook on our business always takes precedent over short-term profit. Our decision is final.

Media Kits, samples, and price cards are available upon request. Just email or call and request.

INSIDER’S TIP: Automotive Direct Mail that is Working Right Now

April 21, 2008

Note: This Insider’s Tip is brought to you by John Greenleaf, Director of Marketing and Dealer Support, Hill Marketing Group, Orange CA. 

I just wanted to bring you a quick update from within the automotive direct mail industry.  This insider’s tip is to let you know what is working at this very moment. 

1) Gorilla Saturation! This is the type of direct mail that is used by staffed event companies that guarantee $300k in gross. These pieces have the nature of appealing to the broadest audience possible and can pull close to one thousand ups over a four day weekend. Pricing starts at $0.29 each, making them the most affordable and cost-efficient direct marketing tool available to dealers today! Click here to learn more.

2) Pre-Qualified Credit Offers! These pieces are designed to appeal to the buyer that has less-than-perfect credit. These buyers’ near-prime credit rating give you the advantage of discussing their credit history with them, enabling your staff with the necessary leverage to make great grossing car deals. Most programs come with a 24/7 call center to take incoming calls and set appointments. These programs have recently been reported as generating up to 6% response rates, resulting in 25-30 units delivered per 5000 dropped. Click here to learn more.

3) Title-Swap & Conquest! This is an amazing tool for dealers looking to penetrate an otherwise impossible PMA. The secret is in the mailing list. You can pick who you want your mailer to go to, based on make, model, beginning and ending model year, and zip code. In other words, you can select all 2001 to 2005 Ford Trucks (F150, Ranger, Explorer, Expedition, etc.) within 30 miles of your store (regardless of where it was originally purchased) and send buyback letters, fleet letters, cash assistance offers, etc., all addressed to the owner, including his/her vehicle (Attn: John Doe, Re: your 2003 Ford Explorer). This is like the old DMV list prior to the Shelby Act.  Click here to learn more.

These three angles are helping dealers all across the country weather the storm of an unstable economy.  If you are currently experiencing the effects of a declining market and want to do something about it, I suggest that you at least look into these three options.

King Ghidorah: Three-Headed Monster

February 19, 2008


Talk about solid, I put a custom BK mailer together for one of my Chevy stores, and it blew the doors off the joint!  A sickening 4.24% response rate put a huge smile on the dealer’s face, and put about half his pre-owned inventory on the road.  Usually, this dealer rolls 25-30 per 5,000 dropped, but my BK mailer flattened him out this time.  I mean, they literally ran him over.  Such a stampede makes me feel good about my work, mainly because most mail is crowned heavyweight champion if it pulls more than 1% – I’m bringing 2-3% in my sleep.

Oh well, this BK mailer gave me an idea.  How would you feel if I synthesized the best of all three worlds?  Remember King Ghidorah, the three-headed monster from Godzilla?  See picture above (the one behing Mothra).  Here’s what I’m thinking:

  • Taking my world class credit card shell with the plastic card enclosed;
  • Rolling in the CRM with 24/7 IVR, appointment setting, and premium lead forwarding;
  • Sending this beast to a BK list, not just any BK list – to my secret VIP list.

OK, the card by itself gets 2-3% response all day long as you already know.  Because of the 24/7 IVR, none of the leads are lost, rather, converted into real appointments at a very high percentage.  But the kicker is sending it to this VIP BK list that is dripping with ugly!  Yuck, it’s nasty!  I’d be willing to guess that this monstrosity would pull 3.5% if it tanked.  But with tax refunds in customer bank accounts, decent pre-owned inventory, and an F&I team that didn’t work at MacDonald’s last year, you know – real, authentic carfolk, grosses should be up; four-pounders at least.

What do you think?  Should I bust out with something like this?  I would call it the King Gidorah promo just for fun.  I’d probably sell it for about $6,500 or so.  What I’d do is put a retail price of $8,500 or so, and just let ‘em go like pigeons at $6,500.  ROI would be sick.  Probably looking at grossing at least $100k min.  What is that, 1500% ROI?  That’s disgusting.  I’m probably not charging enough.  Maybe $10k or so.  I don’t know, it’s just a thought. 

Anyhow, take a look at the new video I posted today.  It’s Jay Leno at the NADA Convention last week.  Be warned, it’s pretty raw, not for everyone.  Remember, his audience was the car business, not the local PTA.  So watch with caution and make sure your computer speakers are at low volume, and frequently check over your shoulder.  There’s a funny Obama/Clinton/Michael Jackson joke that sets the tone in the beginning.  Enjoy!

Like Gang Busters

February 1, 2008

Gang Busters 1

Within less than a full month of business days in the New Year, the two direct mail programs that we have focused on has gone off “like Gang Busters.”  But what does “like Gang Busters” mean?

Gang Busters 2

History: Gang Busters was originally a radio program said to be “the only national program that brings you authentic police case histories.”  It premiered as “G-Men,” and was sponsored by Chevrolet on July 20, 1935.

On January 15, 1936, the title of the show was changed to “Gang Busters,” and had a strong run for 21 years until November 20, 1957.

Gang Busters 3

But how does that tie in to Hill Marketing Group’s strong 2008 start?

When the show aired on radio, the broadcast began with loud and blaring sound effects such as loud sirens, guns firing, and screeching tires.  This intrusive introduction led to the popular catch phrase and title of this blog entry “came on like Gang Busters!”

Just like the loud and blaring introduction of the old time radio show, we have all of a sudden exploded onto the scene as the direct mail company that is making lots of noise – coming on like Gang Busters!

Here’s what I’m hearing so far.  Dealers call me and pay me a one-time fee to do a mailer for them.  I get everything lined up; dealer does virtually nothing.  Within a relatively short period of time, the dealer begins to get a sudden surge of auto buyers all traced back to my mailer.  Dealer has access to a website that records and stores all of the incoming calls to the toll-free number that I assign to each campaign.  From the website, Dealers can see for themselves that the mailer I dropped is performing at an astronomical rate.  Dealers sit back and watch their staff roll high-grossing deal after high-grossing deal, laughing all the way to the bank!  This is the car business, and it’s alive and kicking!  If you know John Greenleaf, that is.

I guess dealers are dropping matches and setting fires during 20 group meetings or something, because I’m getting referrals every day from happy dealers and establishing new relationships with dealers that I’ve never even talked to.  In fact, I just got a call from a dealer who got my name and number from another dealer who heard from another dealer that I did a 5000 piece MasterCard mailer that got a 3.46% response.  The referred dealer immediately jumped on board and I’m dropping a mailer for him next Wednesday.  The dealer that referred the other dealer is also going to do one for the end of February, and the first dealer that referred the dealer that referred the “next Wednesday” dealer is re-signing for a 15000 piece MasterCard mailer that he depends on to make his February one to remember!

Man, I’m pumped-up!  But as I mentioned earlier in this post, two programs were in focus, not just the MasterCard.  For some really strange and odd reason, I’ve been getting requests for the Live-Check mailer.  I have no idea why.  We aren’t pitching it, nor are we even depending on it for anything.  As many of you may remember, the Live-Check was our bread and butter product about three years ago up until about a year ago.  But all of a sudden, with hardly any marketing effort at all, it has mysteriously resurrected itself and is literally flying off the shelf.  BTW, if anyone wants in on the Live-Check mailer, just contact me, and I’ll get one going for you in time to roll lots of February metal.  It’s quick, easy, inexpensive, and most importantly – extremely effective.  We have many speculative theories as top why this sudden spike in interest for the Live-Check mailer has emerged, but we’re not big on speculation since it doesn’t deal with certainty, only probability, and we prefer certainty!

I hope my last post on the sales training was helpful.  Feel free to use it in any way you can, except in bars.  Imagine: “If I were to buy you a drink, and if we got to know each other over the next couple of hours, and if we discovered that we were a match made in heaven, would you come home with me – tonight?”  You’d probably get smacked up-side the head, or popped in the nose by her husband.  So, rather than taking the risk, stick to applying it in the showroom, not the bar.

Well, gotta sign off now.  I have a few conference calls to handle before I bail outta here in a few hours.  Have a GREAT weekend!  L8.


P.S. to listen to classic episodes of “Gang Busters” click here.  Enjoy!

Gang Busters 4

Kick-Ass Direct Mail

January 25, 2008


Automotive Direct Mail is on the move!  OK, so far, we have been right on the money!  Our tax season pieces have absolutely smashed our expectations (we’ve almost doubled what we forecasted!).  Our live-check mailers are bringing better results than the past two years COMBINED!  Our MasterCard and Granite Bay Acceptance Card Mailers have consistently been the rock-bottom BEST direct mail on the market for the automotive sales industry.

So, in keeping the Hill Marketing Group tradition alive, we’re offering you the opportunity to take advantage of the following: A PRESIDENTS’ DAY SALES EVENT PIECE THAT IS DESIGNED TO KICK ASS!  Using the skeleton of our highest performing and best-selling MasterCard mailers, we have brought you the goods on a silver platter.  All you have to do is pick up your fork – and eat!

Download the Presidents Day PDF to view how we intend on putting hundreds of pre-screened and ready-to-go buyers on your lot.  Then, pick up the phone and call us to schedule your event in time for Presidents’ Day 2008 (Feb. 18, 2008).  This is a “fixed-date” campaign, which means that we will be dropping mail on Monday, Feb. 11, 2008.  Orders must be placed and paid for no later than Monday, Feb. 04, 2008!



If you can’t make the deadline, you can still run the same EXACT program, less the Presidents’ Day artwork.  This Presidents Day PDF contains two samples, highlighted features of the program, prices, AND NO SALES PITCH!  This thing stands on its own.  Check it out and you’ll see why.

In case you missed it, click here to view the Presidents Day PDF

What is a Presidents Day PDF ?

How can I get my own Presidents Day PDF ?

I want to buy the direct mail that is featured in the Presidents Day PDF

Hill Marketing Group has a kick-ass Presidents Day PDF

Tax Refund Season is NOW!

January 18, 2008

Tax Refund Down Payment

They will all have cash soon!  Tax Refunds are coming.  Use the season to your advantage and run a tax refund season mailer with Hill Marketing Group!  We have the pieces that pull the biggest response rates, that means you will have more customers to work.  With down payments from tax refunds, you should be able to make many sweet deals.  Automotive Direct Mail thrives in these conditions, so call or email today to get yours!

Automotive Direct Mail and Tax Returns

January 7, 2008

Tax Return Mailer by Hill Marketing Group Dealers, this is the time of the year to begin planning your marketing strategies to coincide with tax season.  We have the piece to draw the largest response and it’s perfectly worded so that you can maximize every aspect of every car deal.  We will not post samples on this blog for now.  If you would like more information, then simply send an email to and we’ll go from there. 

Attention sub-prime and secondary specialists: Are you ready to make some nasty car deals?  Are you ready to have them lining up outside of your office waiting to sign?  If you’re that kind of player, then at least check this out.  With several years of secondary credit mailer experience, we know what works and what doesn’t.  More importantly, we know what works and when, as well as what doesn’t and when.  That means that when you roll with HMG for sub prime automotive direct mail, you know that we’ll hook you up with the right piece at the right time.  Just check it out!

Gotta get back to work now, see you soon!

Currently I’m pushing this: HMG_Card_Mailers

Happy New Year!

January 2, 2008

crystal ball

Last year was a great year, and we hope that this year will be even better.  To stay a step ahead of the game, a look into the old crystal ball is in order.  What do we see?  We see thousands of potential customers with a sudden increase in their bank account.  Wait, the fog is clearing; it is a surge in deposits.  These potential customers are all depositing checks that look very similar.  We see three or four – no, it’s three letters.  They all have an “I” and an “R” and an “S.”  That’s it!  They all have IRS tax refunds.

Okay, this means that some healthy car-deals are possible because they have down-payment.  This means that we need to get these customers into your store before they buy from someone else.  Why don’t we do this; let’s send them some direct mail from Hill Marketing Group, giving them a reason to visit – so you can close them!  The crystal ball reveals that they will buy from *somewhere* soon, but there’s too much fog to read the plate frames.  It could be you, or it could be one of the other dealers near you.  The only way to tell is to ask yourself: what do I have planned for then?  Have you planned the necessary marketing strategy that would result in your name on the freshly-delivered unit’s plate-frame?

If not, then give us a call or send us an email to find out what your options are.  We are fully-stocked with the perfect combination of mailers, data, and affordable pricing.  Our *well-thought-out* marketing programs are turn-key, so all you have to do is order and we do all the rest (except the test-drive, write-up, desking, F&I, and delivery)!  It doesn’t get any easier than this.  We even provide your sales staff and managers a training conference call just to make sure that everyone is extra-sharp and on point!

Remember, they will buy from somewhere.  What you do between now and the time they leave their house to buy will determine whether or not they include you as an option.  Why not send them a neat credit card offer with an insured cash prize that’s only available at your store?  That’ll get ‘em in.  Or how about a buyback letter that informs them that you’ll pay most for their trade?  Or what about a special-finance mailer using credit data from Experian, Trans-Union, or Equifax?  Postcards?  Saturation?  Let’s talk!

Automotive Direct Mail That ROCKS!

December 11, 2007

Hamm and Satriani

Notice the look on Stu Hamm’s face.  He’s blown away at what Joe Satriani is squeezing out of his Ibanez!  Even though Stu has played bass for “Satch” for years and has rehearsed countless hours with him, he still gets floored when Joey the alien emerges during the energy of a live show!

So it is with us at Hill Marketing Group.  Even though we create concepts, design pieces, and strategize around the meeting table for hours at a time, we still get blown away when we see just how radical of an impact our direct mail has on the dealers that we work with.

We have been getting calls from GM’s and Owners at stores that we’ve never even contacted before.  We’re finding out that we’re being referred by dealers from all around!  These guys all say that they’ve heard that we’ve got some stuff that rocks!  Here are a few reasons why we have the reputation we do:

  • Highest response rates that dealers have seen in years!
  • Fast turnaround time; sign today, sell units next week!
  • Immediate results.  Ability to save a month.
  • Packages for all budgets, never too expensive!
  • Wide variety of quality pieces.
  • Plus much more!

To find out for yourself and experience direct marketing like never before, give us a call and try something out.  Right now we have a Greeting Card piece that looks like a Christmas card, but is really a serious direct-mailer with a killer call-to-action.  Also, our Granite Bay Acceptance Card Mailer is putting ear-to-ear smiles on dealer faces nationwide.  From saturation pieces, postcards, and custom letters, we have it all.